Sunday, January 25, 2015

Spring by Example (1.5)

The Spring by Example site has been updated to use Spring Framework 4.1.x. Most other libraries have also been upgraded. Some major ones are Spring Integration 4.1.2, Spring Security 3.2.5, Spring Data JPA 1.7.1, and Hibernate 4.3.8.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Spring by Example (1.4)

The Spring by Example site has been updated to use Spring Framework 4.0.x. Most other libraries have also been upgraded. Some major ones are Spring Integration 3.0.1, Spring Security 3.2.2, Spring Data JPA 1.5.0, and Hibernate 4.3.4.

The GWT and Spring dm Server examples had not been updated since Spring 2.5.x and have been removed.

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Spring by Example (1.3)

The site has been updated to use Spring Framework 3.2.x. The Contact Application has been updated to reference SBE REST Modules, which I will write about shortly (available on Spring by Example's GitHub). The modules are to help abstract some of the REST classes in the Contact Application and also to allow annotations on an interface to generate the REST client & controller. Two smaller items are that the Contact Application has a better example of a production ready DB connection pool configuration, and it's using Jackson 2.0 for JSON. Below are the Contact Application modules.
  • DAO - DB Schema, JPA Entities, Spring Data JPA repositories.
  • Web Service Beans - JAXB beans generated from XSDs.
  • Services - APIs use JAXB beans and Dozer is used to convert between this beans and the JPA entities. Security and transactions are configured in this layer.
  • REST Services - The module has clients & controllers, as well as their Spring configurations. JSON and XML views are supported for requests.
  • Webapp - The webapp as a standard JSP UI, Sencha ExtJS, and also a Sencha Touch UI.
  • Test - The DAO, Services, and REST Services all have an abstract test class for each module that each test extends. This way within each module, all tests have a shared context so Spring only has to load once. All of these tests use an in memory database and the REST Services have an embedded jetty server. REST Services tests can be run with clients using JSON or XML for marshalling.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Spring by Example (1.2.2)

A new multi-module Contact Application has been added. It is comprised of the following modules:
  • DAO - DB Schema, JPA Entities, Spring Data JPA repositories.
  • Web Service Beans - JAXB beans generated from XSDs.
  • Services - APIs use JAXB beans and Dozer is used to convert between this beans and the JPA entities. Security and transactions are configured in this layer.
  • REST Services - The module has clients & controllers, as well as their Spring configurations. JSON and XML views are supported for requests.
  • Webapp - The webapp as a standard JSP UI, Sencha ExtJS, and also a Sencha Touch UI.
  • Test - The DAO, Services, and REST Services all have an abstract test class for each module that each test extends. This way within each module, all tests have a shared context so Spring only has to load once. All of these tests use an in memory database and the REST Services have an embedded jetty server. REST Services tests can be run with clients using JSON or XML for marshalling.

Friday, August 24, 2012

Spring by Example (1.2.1)

Two new examples have been added on Spring Data JPA. One basic example showing how to create and use a repository, along with creating some basic custom queries. And another example showing how to use Spring Data JPA auditing with custom field mappings. All of the main webapps using JPA were updated to use Spring Data JPA instead of custom repository classes. Also, all of the JPA examples were upgraded to use Hibernate 4.1.

Spring JavaScript was removed from the Spring Web Flow examples. There were some issues around the AJAX tiles usage.

Updated Webapps

Friday, August 17, 2012

Spring by Example Update (1.2)

All examples have been upgraded to Spring 3.1 and Java 6. The exceptions are that the GWT examples have been removed, and Spring dm Server (OSGi) examples have not been updated but are still available for reference.

All modules have also been upgraded to Spring 3.1 and Java 6. Maven group and artifact IDs have been changed back to standard Maven naming and also all project dependencies (no OSGi ones in standard examples).

Spring by Example JDBC has been removed and all projects (except for OSGi ones) have been changed to use the Spring JDBC Custom Namespace.

The Spring by Example repository has been moved to GitHub. New git Spring by Example Repository. The old Subversion repository can still be found here.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Spring by Example Update (1.1)

Almost all examples have been upgraded to Spring 3.0 (except for the Aspect LTW example, GWT ones, and OSGi ones). Also a new Grails example has been added.

The web examples in particular have all been upgraded (except for GWT/OSGi) to use the new Spring MVC Namespace. Keith Donald, from SpringSource, wrote a great blog going over some of the new Spring MVC simplifications in MVC Simplifications in Spring 3.0. All the webapps were updated to use Spring MVC best practices as much as possible, except their URLs aren't currently RESTful. That will be changed as soon as soon as possible.

All modules have been upgraded to Spring 3.0 and Maven group and artifact IDs have been changed to follow Spring naming conventions (ex: custom-thread-scope --> org.springbyexample.threadscope).

The Spring 2.5.x version of the site and all examples are still available. It's available at Spring by Example 2.5.x, which is version 1.0.3.